You can generally use the funds in your HSA to pay for qualified medical, dental, vision and prescription drug expenses you pay for yourself, as well as those you pay for someone who was your spouse or your dependent either when the services were provided or when you paid for them as defined in IRS Publication 502. However, please NOTE the Affordable Care Act definition of dependent children (up to age 26) which can be covered under CITGO health plans is different than the IRS rules which apply to medical expense deductions and HSA distributions. According to the IRS definition, a person generally qualifies as your dependent on your tax returns for purposes of the medical expense deduction if both of the following requirements are met.- The person was a qualifying child or a qualifying relative (as defined by IRS rules), and
- The person was a U.S. citizen or national or a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico.
For complete definitions of “qualifying child” and “qualifying relative” and the rules regarding whose medical expenses you can pay from your HSA, see IRS Publication 502. |