Benefit Connections    FAQ
What is the Automatic Rollover feature for Medical Flexible Spending Account administration?

The Flexible Spending Account program offers the Automatic Claim Rollover function because UnitedHealthcare is the administrator of both the FSA and the Company medical plan. Under the Automatic Claim Rollover function, you will automatically be reimbursed for your out-of-pocket medical expenses including prescription drug costs and in-network vision expenses without having to file a claim form. (Retail purchases of vision products are not sent to FSA automatically for processing because they do not directly receive the amounts charged to you). Similarly, out-of-pocket expenses of the CITGO Dental Plan will now be eligible for Automatic Claim Rollover on a monthly basis. Each year, you will be automatically enrolled in the Automatic Claim Rollover provision when you enroll in a Health Care Flexible Spending Account. If you do not want to take advantage of the Automatic Claim Rollover function, then you must turn off this feature online at or by calling UnitedHealthcare at 1-800-331-0480. If you or your dependents are covered under any other group health care plan, you should not use the Automatic Claim Rollover option. If this is the case, please contact UnitedHealthcare and make sure you turn off this feature.