Benefit Connections    Retirement
Former Employees
If you left CITGO after 2006 you may still utilize the Pension Manager; however, if you left prior to this date then you may not currently have access to use this system. If this is the case, please contact the Benefits Helpline for assistance.

If you are a former employee turning age 55 within 3 months and ready to begin receiving your pension benefit, then contact the CITGO Benefits Helpline to begin the Retirement process and request your Pension Kit. In accordance with the actuarial reduction tables, your benefit will be calculated based on your age and the date you wish to begin receiving your benefit. You may defer receiving your benefit until your normal retirement age (age 65). The longer you wait the higher the percentage of your normal retirement benefit you will receive. We encourage you to review the actuarial reduction tables that are included in your Retirement or Pension Summary Plan Description (SPD).

The following links include the necessary information you will need to provide in order to begin receiving your monthly retirement annuity benefit. Please review this information prior to contacting the CITGO Benefits Helpline.

  List of Required Information
  List of Required Documentation
  Social Security and Medicare – This link provides valuable information regarding these benefits. We encourage you to review this information.
  Summary Plan Descriptions